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刻俄柏都想推荐的摇滚专辑 123 —— Metallica 金属乐队 同名专辑

发布时间:2024-01-09 16:16:39
作者: 十七


本电台接纳所有的摇滚风格,欢迎各位听众到最下面的链接点播您最喜欢、最中意、让听众百听不腻的摇滚专辑哟,本DJ也会进行整理归纳,早日会登上电台的!那么,多余的话也不多说了,Let's beginning!


这位听众表示说:“我喜欢听一听很重型的音乐,比如Hard Rock(硬摇滚)、Metal(金属)等等。


首先这张专辑的封面是一只斐迪亚,觉得很小巧就在右下角,而且专辑封面很简洁,就是一身黑,左上角好像是乐队的LOGO吧,在某一家音像店去试听的时候觉得很带劲,就买了这张专辑。后来,我了解到这支传奇的金属乐队,准确点就是Thrash Metal(激流金属)乐队,虽然相较于之前的那些开天辟地性质的金属乐专辑来说,这张显得没有之前那种很Thrash(激流)的感觉,而是很慢一小节的Thrash Metal(激流金属),甚至偏向Heavy Metal(重金属),但是却不妨碍我休息的时候听一听这些很不错金属曲目,偶尔没事的时候还拿这些歌曲和我之前志同道合的成员去排练,想一想我还是很想念当初的时光啊。总之,这张符合这个主题的经典Thrash Metal(激流金属)专辑就推荐给摇滚电台了,感谢这张专辑带来的最初的感动,让我在之后的做摇滚乐的道路上继续走想去吧!”本电台收到了这位听众的留言,本DJ也之前了解到这张专辑,觉得专辑封面很简洁,还带着一只小斐迪亚,似乎在警告着什么。然而,本DJ一听这张专辑,直接180度大转弯,怎么这张专辑看着很简洁,以为里面是是那种很的曲目呢,结果居然是那么带劲的Metal(金属)。估计各位听众尤其是喜好听金属乐的听众很蒙圈了。不过,确实像这位听众所说,虽然Thrash(激流)味很淡,甚至偏Heavy Metal(重金属),但是不妨碍这张专辑依然是这支乐队销量最高的专辑,没有之一。在当时其他国家的排行榜上都是遥遥领先的存在,许多听众因为这张小斐迪亚的黑专而入坑了金属乐。总之,这张将这支金属乐队走向最后的辉煌之作的作品,即使在某些人的眼里他们早就不那么纯粹了。不过,这张金属乐专辑放到今天来看依旧是一流水准,也难怪在当时很容易传播。这一期,由“红豆”的听众点播的在当地乃至这片大地十分甚至九分出名的金属乐乐队的名字叫做——     
Metallica  金属  年轻的乐队成员年老的他们而这一期推荐的金属乐专辑名字也很简洁名字叫做:Metallica(同名专辑)也可以叫做The Black Album(黑专)。具体介绍如下:
    “Metallica (commonly known as The Black Album) is the fifth studio album by American heavy metal band Metallica. It was released on August 12, 1991, by Elektra Records. Recording sessions took place at One on One Recording Studios in Los Angeles over an eight-month span that frequently found Metallica at odds with their new producer Bob Rock. The album marked a change in the band's music from the thrash metal style of their previous four albums to a slower, heavier, and more refined sound.
    Metallica promoted Metallica with a series of tours. They also released five singles to promote the album: "Enter Sandman", "The Unforgiven", "Nothing Else Matters", "Wherever I May Roam", and "Sad but True", all of which have been considered to be among the band's best-known songs. The song "Don't Tread on Me" was also issued to rock radio shortly after the album's release but did not receive a commercial single release.
    Metallica received widespread critical acclaim and became the band's best-selling album. It debuted at number one in ten countries and spent four consecutive weeks at the top of the Billboard 200, making it Metallica's first album to top the album charts. With over 30 million copies sold worldwide, Metallica is one of the best-selling albums worldwide, and also one of the best-selling albums in the United States since Nielsen SoundScan tracking began. The album was certified 16× platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) in 2012, and has sold over sixteen million copies in the United States, being the first album in the SoundScan era to do so.
    Metallica played Metallica in its entirety during the 2012 European Black Album Tour. In 2020, the album was ranked number 235 on Rolling Stone's "The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time" list. In December 2019, Metallica became the fourth release in American history to enter the 550-week milestone on the Billboard 200. It also became the second longest-charting traditional title in history only behind The Dark Side of the Moon (1973) by Pink Floyd, and the second to spend 550 weeks on the album charts.”
   译:《Metallica》(俗称《黑色专辑》)是美国重金属乐队 Metallica 的第5张录音室专辑。该专辑于1991年8月12日由Elektra Records发行。专辑录制在洛杉矶的One on One录音室进行,历时八个月,期间Metallica经常与新制作人鲍勃-洛克(Bob Rock)发生冲突。这张专辑标志着乐队音乐风格的转变,从之前四张专辑的惊险金属风格转变为更慢、更重、更精致的声音。
   Metallica通过一系列巡演宣传Metallica。他们还发行了五首单曲来宣传这张专辑: 《Enter Sandman》、《The Unforgiven》、《Nothing Else Matters》、《Wherever I May Roam》和《Sad but True》,这些歌曲都被认为是乐队最著名的歌曲之一。歌曲《Don't Tread on Me》也在专辑发行后不久在摇滚电台发行,但未获得商业单曲发行。
   Metallica获得了广泛的好评并成为乐队最畅销的专辑。该专辑首次亮相便荣登榜首并连续四周位居公告牌200榜首位,这也是Metallica第一张荣登专辑排行榜榜首的专辑。Metallica的全球销量超过3000万张,是全球最畅销的专辑之一,也是自尼尔森声音扫描(Nielsen SoundScan)开始追踪以来美国最畅销的专辑之一。该专辑于2012年获得美国唱片业协会(RIAA)16×白金认证,在美国的销量超过1,600万张,是SoundScan时代第一张获得此认证的专辑。
   Metallica在2012年的欧洲黑色专辑巡演中演唱了《Metallica》的全部作品。2020年,该专辑在滚石杂志 "史上最伟大的500张专辑 "榜单中排名第235位。2019年12月,《Metallica》成为美国历史上第四张进入Billboard 200榜单上550周里程碑的专辑。该专辑也成为历史上仅次于平克弗洛伊德乐队(Pink Floyd)的《Dark Side of the Moon》(1973年)第二长的排行榜传统标题专辑,同时也是第二张在专辑排行榜上停留550周的专辑。
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