日韩:正如我之前所想,现在看来可以肯定的是,每条线都有不同的颜色。-The subway train followed a circular track, and it stopped by every station it passed by. There were rest stations along the way, so this wasn't as bad as the one we suffered through the last time.列车沿环线行驶,在经过的每一站停靠。途中有可供休息的站点,所以这次并不像上回那么难熬。-Again, we found abnormalities we'd never seen before. If it really is as Faust said... if the subway trains are really stopping by the world of abnormalities... maybe we can go even further?我们再一次遇到了前所未见的异想体。如果浮士德所言非虚……如果列车确实是到达了异想体的世界……也许我们还能走得更远?
日韩:我们再一次遇到了前所未见的异想体。如果浮士德所言非虚——列车到达了异想体的世界,那么这趟列车是不是可以到达更远的地方? Distortions扭曲-Stage 2 Peccatula二阶段大罪Record#2984.11.12-The sinners have really grown stronger through our bus journey... but the Peccatula have also grown powerful.在这趟巴士之旅中渐长的不止是罪人们的实力……大罪的实力也在增长。-I've been thinking, and I've come to the conclusion that maybe these new types of Peccatula are showing up because of the Golden Bough. This probably has something to do with the fact that collecting the Golden Boughs powers up our identities, too.我一直在考量这些,目前得出了一些结论,或许这些新型大罪出现的原因是因为金枝。我们的人格也随着金枝收集而增强,它们之间应该有些关系。-If we continue to collect the Golden Boughs... the types of Peccatula will grow as well.如果我们继续收集金枝……大罪的种类或许也会随之增加。-Golden Boughs, sinners, and... the Peccatula. And there's a Golden Bough in my head, too. I'm sure they're all connected to me in some way... There's no other way to look at this.金枝、罪人、还有……大罪,以及我头中金枝。我敢说它们一定在某种程度上和我脱不开干系……但联系形式无法得知。译者:苑田岳叶,我审校:我